What Kids Need: Global Concerns

The news has recently been running a video regarding the century-old ice that is melting in the Arctic.  I have found that your youth today, of all age groups, have a genuine concern for the environment, as well as other global concerns, such as world peace and world hunger.  I find that most refreshing!  Youth not only have these concerns but are doing something about it at younger and younger ages.  The extended concern is an asset; it helps create resilience or a Teflon coating for kids in their lives.  Resiliency helps build flexibility during the tough times when we’re not there as adults.  It is essential to talk about world matters with kids of all ages and to help them see life beyond themselves.  They, in turn, grow up less self-centered and more value-adding in their attitude.

As a family, establish the habit of giving money to charitable organizations.  Help your kids find organizations that they care about and raise some money to provide, or even help choose which ones to give money.  Kids can set aside part of the money they earn or are given, thus allowing them to learn to give to others and charitable causes.  As you watch the news or read about the story, discuss issues with your kids being careful to set aside your biases!  Help them choose their view without your influence and encourage them to follow up by learning more about a cause or condition that exists if something touches your child personally, follow up on that by learning more.  Join them in finding out the details of the problem, what is currently the focus, and what will help.  Discuss with them what ways they feel they can help.  There are many impressive stories on the news about kids’ work that has had a global impact.

By helping kids reach out in this manner, we help them understand that their life matters, that they matter, and that they can make a difference right from where they live.  We help them to adopt an attitude of gratitude toward their life by recognizing the short-fall of others.  I challenge you today to pay attention to what issues touch your child.  What concerns touch their hearts and help them to follow up on those concerns.  When we take time for this significant part of humanity, we help them develop life-long skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

For a great list of The 10- Biggest Global Concerns, According to Millennials, see The 10 Biggest Global Concerns, According to Millennials (treehugger.com)

I also have another blog entry that may assist with this, What Kids Need: Service to Others – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)


Yours for Better Parenting,
