by Rich Patterson | May 1, 2019 | Parenting
Taking Time to Parent It sounds kind of funny to say, take time to parent. But often, we get so busy trying to keep everything going that we forget to take some time with our kids to have a simple unstructured conversation, ask some fun questions, and hear their... by Rich Patterson | Apr 29, 2019 | Encouragement, Parenting
Praise Your Kids Sometimes we get so busy criticizing our kids, you know, trying to keep them on track, that we forget to praise the great kids they already are. Parenting can leave you feeling overwhelmed just in and of itself, let alone when you add in all of the... by Rich Patterson | Apr 26, 2019 | Parenting, Personal Improvement, Resilience
40 Assets for Youth – Internal Assets In the previous two blogs, I discussed the 40 Developmental Assets for Youth from the Search Institute ( In the last blog, we discussed the External Assets, and in this writing, I will discuss the... by Rich Patterson | Apr 24, 2019 | Parenting, Personal Improvement, Resilience
40 Assets for Youth – External Assets In the previous blog, I wrote about the 40 Developmental Assets for Youth and explained how they developed, researched, and organized the assets. In that writing, I said that the assets appear in two categories, External... by Rich Patterson | Apr 22, 2019 | Parenting, Personal Improvement, Resilience
40 Assets for Youth The 40 Developmental Assets for Youth are the work of the Search Institute ( They are 40 research-based positive experiences and qualities that influence young people’s development, helping them become caring,...
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