by Rich Patterson | Apr 8, 2019 | Character, Communication, Personal Improvement
Being Who You Are If I said we have everything we need to be successful right where we are now, would you believe it?. Believing that for yourself, even if you have your doubts, can only bring about the possibility that it is correct. We know that each of us has... by Rich Patterson | Apr 5, 2019 | Character, Personal Improvement
Always Look to Yourself for the Best After graduating from high school, my best friend Joe and I decided to take a camping trip to a nearby state park. After getting settled into our camp, we took a drive around the neighboring farms. One particular farmer had a... by Rich Patterson | Apr 3, 2019 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Photo by Madhu Shesharam on Unsplash Be Patient and Wait The universe, higher power, or God places dreams in our heart and encourage us to follow them. The dream isn’t a coincidence, but it does require that we be very patient and wait. Madu Shesharam, to take... by Rich Patterson | Apr 1, 2019 | Character, Communication, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Avoid Conflict There are many opportunities throughout a typical week to get into conflict with others. Sometimes they are right in front of us, say at a restaurant where you’ve just received poor service. Other times it may be while driving. Regardless,... by Rich Patterson | Mar 29, 2019 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Hold Your Image Your image is important! I mean, right now, at your kids’ tender young age, it is essential. We have seen people who earn a golden opportunity later in life only to have something from their childhood or early adulthood show up and dismiss that...
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