Clear Those Hurts

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash Clear Those Hurts We have been discussing how putting out the image that you want for yourself can cause the universe to deliver to you those very things that you want.  But did you know that when we hold on to those hurts, the...

Expect Universal Support

Expect Universal Support By expecting favor and honor in what you do each day, you will find it.  It is the universal law that what we hold in our hearts will be delivered to us.  But how is your attitude?  Do you expect favor and support, or are you seeing the lack,...

Standing Firm

Photo by Banter Snaps on Unsplash   Standing Firm When we start to do something with great, pure intentions, rest assured that life will try to block us in many ways.  After working on a thought process and having some real victory, I recently began to move...