Expect Things to Change

Expect Things to Change Living a joyful life is totally up to you, not your circumstances.  You can live satisfied, happy, and with a restoration mentality or find all the injustices you wish.  Just because I say, this doesn’t mean that it will happen, as we...

Bless Yourself and Others

Bless Yourself and Others Think about that difficult person in your life.  Maybe it is a spouse, a friend, a colleague, a boss at work, and just the thought of them raises your blood pressure.  I discovered a long time ago that when I feel this emotion inside, I need...

Overcome Resistance

Overcome Resistance Sometimes life feels like a football game.  For example, you are working hard, and bam, you get hit with a comment from a colleague. When we think we’re starting to move forward, the car needs repair, or we have an illness that takes us down...