by Rich Patterson | Feb 20, 2019 | Character, Communication, Encouragement
Attitude of Gratitude Now and then, I catch myself saying words that do not help anything of anybody. They add to difficulties in life. Complaining or finding the good are choices, but they are not our default. It seems that the negative side of things will always... by Rich Patterson | Feb 18, 2019 | Achievement, Character, Encouragement
Claim Your Victory We have all had many victories in our life, but the one victory that can mean the most is to relentlessly let go of the past and press forward with your goals. That means to pursue with persistence and passion that which you want to claim for your... by Rich Patterson | Feb 15, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Approve of Yourself It is just that simple, flaws, mistakes, wrong turns, whatever judgments you press against yourself, drop them in favor of approving yourself. Now that doesn’t mean you continue making the same mistakes or ignoring some character traits that... by Rich Patterson | Feb 13, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Choose Joy It doesn’t always seem like it, but we have a choice in how we choose to feel. We can choose joy or sorrow; we can determine victory or a setback that seems like defeat. Henry Ford has been quoted often with versions of the statement,... by Rich Patterson | Feb 11, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Standing Strong Today I want to remind ourselves to stand firm during difficult times. Standing firm is such an important life skill that kids and adults need to understand the qualities described herein. It applies when we’re learning something new, like the...
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