by Rich Patterson | Jan 1, 2020 | Parenting, Resilience
What Kids Need: Parental Boundaries It doesn’t take very long for kids to learn that they can break the rules without consequences. Parents help kids learn self-discipline and self-control when they set boundaries in the home and enforce them. As a high school... by Rich Patterson | Dec 30, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
The Magic Four: Determination I have been writing about the magic four qualities that will make all the difference when applied in your life. The previous blog wrote about Persistence, and today I would like to discuss Determination. In the next blog, I will write... by Rich Patterson | Dec 27, 2019 | Family & Relationships
Friendship-Making Skills The Search Institute ( talks about the importance of kids knowing how to make and keep friends. Do your kids have that skill? Are they good at forming positive relationships? To what types of friends are they naturally... by Rich Patterson | Dec 26, 2019 | Character, Family & Relationships
Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash Decision Making Skills Do your kids have excellent decision-making skills? I don’t mean, do you think they can decide things. I mean have to deliberately sit with them and help them with several processes of making a... by Rich Patterson | Dec 23, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
Assertiveness Skills Kids can stick up for themselves and their beliefs. Those beliefs can be religious, where they draw the line with friends during those moments of decision. They can also include a choice they have made for themselves and are willing to stand up...
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