by Rich Patterson | Dec 20, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
Adding Value to Others Since I often write about young people and how to help them with their lives, I say that I am thinking about helping kids learn about adding value to others. However, all of this applies to us as adults as well. Adding value to others involves... by Rich Patterson | Dec 18, 2019 | Achievement, Encouragement
Beyond High School, What’s Next? I recently spoke to a medium-sized group of middle school students about resiliency. When I asked them how many of them knew their plan after high school, every single hand went up! This group was the first group where all knew... by Rich Patterson | Dec 16, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
Build These Into Kids A warm hello to all our parents out there. Today I want to suggest three things to build into your kids to enhance their success. They are Educational Aspiration, School Performance, & Achievement Motivation. Let’s start with... by Rich Patterson | Dec 14, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
A Warm, Caring Environment If you had a checklist of things that parents can do to help create resilience for kids, such as the checklist from, at the top of that list is, “I provide a warm, caring environment for my child at home”... by Rich Patterson | Dec 13, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience
Setting Rules & Enforcing Them Setting rules is one thing, but enforcing them is quite another. Sometimes we don’t feel like starting up with our kids to make a point. But wait! What is at stake when we don’t enforce the rules. The sign says,...
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