Being Aware of Your Thoughts
Teaching our kids to be aware of their thoughts helps determine the direction and quality of their lives. When we encourage kids, and ourselves, to filter our thoughts more towards the pure, simple, and innocent things, we in turn shape what we will see, hear, what draw to ourselves, and so much more. I have been consciously working on this myself for a while now. It simply requires an awareness of what is roaming around in our head when we’re doing things like walking, waiting for someone, and the like.
What do you think about it? Do you allow jealousy or envy to creep into your thoughts? By increasing our awareness in this area, we can raise our level of consciousness.
That doesn’t mean that you won’t slip backward now and then. But don’t stay there. Once you know that you’re allowing negative and unwanted thoughts to take place in your mind, change the channel. Have a word like “cancel” or a mantra-type work that pulls you back to where you want to be. “Peace” is a good one too because it helps us relax and let go of our busy minds for a while, and then we can change the channel to something else.
Take a quarter goal, for example, and take that energy from the unwanted thought and transmute it to your destination. In that process, I have a visual in my mind’s eye that whisks the energy from negative to a higher frequency of a positive goal.
The process of sliding into negative and unwholesome thoughts is a slow one sometimes. It may just be a quick look or something you notice, then suddenly it has taken root in your mind polluting it in effect. When we lower our standards and allow anything to be in our reality, then that is what you’re going to see. Have you ever purchased a new or newer vehicle or had a friend purchase one, and then as you drive, you know that make and model everywhere you go.
Before that, you were unaware that there were so many make and models; now you see it everywhere. It is the same with ourselves. If we allow our mind to have carte blanche and think whatever it wishes, then we are pulling those visuals and eventually reality into our lives.
Thought awareness is an important concept to discuss with kids because they are subject to many opinions and gossip online and in schools. Kids are bombarded with things you would not want for them as a parent, helping them filter toward good things. If you are a person of faith, then help them towards the Holy Spirit and fill themselves with the promises of God. If that isn’t where you’re at right now, that’s fine; try using the breath.
Just stop for a minute and concentrate on your breath. When does it start? Where does it change from the in-breath to the out-breath? What does it do just before it peaks and makes that change? When does it stop? For how long? When you connect with your breath, you are connecting to your higher self. Your breath leads you to clarity that leads to peace.
As you do this, victory will fill your life. After a while, people will notice that there is just something different about you. They may not be able to pin it down, but they will see healthy energy in your spirit. I wish you well with this and hope that you will take the time to work together on this with yourself and your kids.
Here is the first in a series of posts about thought vibrations Your Thought Vibrations – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
The second is here Your Thought Vibrations-2 – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
The third post Your Thought Vibrations-3 – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Mind Tools is a great site for exploring this further Positive Thinking for Success – From MindTools.com
Yours for Better Parenting,
Let’s Connect!