by Rich Patterson | Jun 28, 2023 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Fond and Loyal Friendship February 2025 By Rich Patterson, Ph.D. Ever wonder how to have a high-class friendship? I call it a Fond and Loyal Friendship. Read on, and I will tell you how to achieve this greatness. A Fond and Loyal Friendship leads us to... by Rich Patterson | Jul 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Peacefulness Reflection on Peacefulness I think of Peacefulness and find some of these thoughts From hither and yon, we make up things to keep us busy They seem so important as they keep coming up in my mind But my mind is unfocused, just looking for any... by Rich Patterson | Mar 20, 2020 | Encouragement
Keep Your Center Welcome to my 300th blog post, pretty much consecutive at three postings a week for just short of two years straight. Let’s get into our topic of Keep Your Center. You must pay attention to being centered, particularly right now, during the... by Rich Patterson | Mar 18, 2020 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
How Difficulties Play Out in Our Lives As we stumble along in our lives experiencing the troubles, tears, and unfairness in our lives, we might say, “But I don’t want to go through this stuff.” So how do the difficulties in our lives play out? Why... by Rich Patterson | Mar 16, 2020 | Character, Encouragement
Simple Joy and Pleasure Now that the unthinkable has happened with the Coronavirus declared a pandemic, we are told to stay home, limit our contact, and other solid advice. Staying home helps us do our part in containing or at least reducing the spread of the virus. ... by Rich Patterson | Mar 13, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations-3 We have been discussing the power of thought vibrations in the previous two posts and how your thoughts have vibrations that are similar to light and sound. Some of which we can see and much of which we cannot. Today I want to discuss how... by Rich Patterson | Mar 11, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations-2 As I have been writing in the previous post, when we think, we set vibrations into motion that can either benefit us or bring about what we do not want. Just as there are frequencies that the human ear cannot hear, and there are light waves... by Rich Patterson | Mar 9, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations Do your thoughts have any power? I mean, they are your thoughts, and you are thinking them silently, so does it matter? Do they do anything except amuse you? We know that laws govern the universe and that one law is the Law of Gravitation. ... by Rich Patterson | Mar 6, 2020 | Character, Encouragement
This is Only Temporary . . . I believe that our experience here on earth is only temporary and that we can’t get to where we need to go without the struggle. I am asking that you stand firm and expect some challenges and distractions to change your course. Our... by Rich Patterson | Mar 4, 2020 | Character, Encouragement
Let’s Face What’s Next What is next? I mean, what are you replaying in your mind that you would like to file away forever? One of the best ways to heal yourself is to let go of the past. We can’t relive the past, so let’s face what’s...
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