Consider Your Soul

Consider Your Soul I have read that we make over 2,500 choices every day.  All of those choices lead to the life that we end up living.  All of them affect the outcome of tomorrow.  The choices we make today create our tomorrow, but what is beyond that?  What about...

Rise to Give

Rise to Give   Today I want to suggest that when we rise to give to others, we are at our best and our most happy.  When we use our talents and give our time to help others rise, we feel like a million bucks.  Giving is a robust understanding of enjoying life. ...

Expect Things to Change

Expect Things to Change Living a joyful life is totally up to you, not your circumstances.  You can live satisfied, happy, and with a restoration mentality or find all the injustices you wish.  Just because I say, this doesn’t mean that it will happen, as we...

Bless Yourself and Others

Bless Yourself and Others Think about that difficult person in your life.  Maybe it is a spouse, a friend, a colleague, a boss at work, and just the thought of them raises your blood pressure.  I discovered a long time ago that when I feel this emotion inside, I need...

Overcome Resistance

Overcome Resistance Sometimes life feels like a football game.  For example, you are working hard, and bam, you get hit with a comment from a colleague. When we think we’re starting to move forward, the car needs repair, or we have an illness that takes us down...