by Rich Patterson | Jan 28, 2019 | Character, Parenting, Resilience
Teaching Persistence As a former high school band director, I often told my students that sometimes the last thing I taught them was music. Life skills like teamwork and Persistence helped develop skills in them that they would use for the rest of their lives. The... by Rich Patterson | Jan 25, 2019 | Character, Personal Improvement
Personal Standards Teaching kids about Personal Standards may be one of the most important skills we can offer to them. They must have a solid idea of where they stand with many events that they can become a part of without even realizing how quickly situations... by Rich Patterson | Jan 23, 2019 | Communication, Encouragement, Family & Relationships
Clearing the Way A significant university held a seminar recently that had a panel of human resource (HR) officers who hired teachers for school districts. There were several HR officers on the panel who represented different districts within a large metropolitan... by Rich Patterson | Jan 21, 2019 | Character, Personal Improvement, Resilience
Self-Confidence You want to be full of self-confidence, but you don’t feel it. Besides, strictly where does it come from anyway? It seems elusive, and some people have it, and others do not. Then we start to look for reasons why someone else has more of it... by Rich Patterson | Jan 18, 2019 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Fear – 3 We have been discussing Fear and its role in our lives and our kids’ lives. We looked at how it disguise’s itself and sabotage’s our destiny and dreams. In Part 2, I gave you three questions to determine if that Fear is a part of a... by Rich Patterson | Jan 16, 2019 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Fear – 2 In the first part of this three-part series, we discussed how Fear could disguise itself in our lives and hold us back from our destiny. In Part-2, I will take a closer look at the undirected mind. If we leave our thoughts to their own willy-nilly... by Rich Patterson | Jan 14, 2019 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Fear Have you ever been hesitant to do something that you knew you should do, but for some reason, you held back? Then you discover that you don’t complete what you need to do because of Fear. Fear is an exciting emotion and one that kids face as much or more... by Rich Patterson | Jan 11, 2019 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Personal Freedom – 3 We have been discussing the importance of Personal Freedom in our lives. In the first post, I wrote about the oppression from others and social media. In the second post, I wrote about fear and how fear of others’ opinions or... by Rich Patterson | Jan 11, 2019 | Communication, Family & Relationships, Parenting
Your Child’s Friends Do you know your child’s friends well enough to say they are a positive influence, that they do well in school and avoid risky behaviors, such as alcohol and other drug use? If not, today is an excellent time to start learning more... by Rich Patterson | Jan 9, 2019 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Personal Freedom – 2 In the previous post, I began a discussion about Personal Freedom. By being ourselves and choosing our goals and expressions, I wrote that we start to liberate our souls from the burdens of judgment and opinion that frequent our...
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