by Rich Patterson | Jan 7, 2019 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Personal Freedom I want freedom for the full expression of my personality. Mahatma Gandhi What is that innate desire to express ourselves freely and confidently, vibrant and purposeful to all of humanity? I think that may be the personal freedom that we all seek. ... by Rich Patterson | Jan 4, 2019 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Being Good to Yourself We can be our most critical voice or ourselves, more so than others. Today I want to encourage you to be good to yourself. Allowing that inner voice to dominate our more centered self results in a loss of confidence; that spark you intend to... by Rich Patterson | Jan 2, 2019 | Achievement, Communication, Personal Improvement
Dear 2019 As I continue to heal from knee surgery, I have had a terrific 2018 with a new book release, Making Sense of Life: A Guidebook for Teens & Parents. It is available on as a paperback, eBook, and Audiobook. It will help those working with... by Rich Patterson | Dec 31, 2018 | Encouragement
Dignity & Tiredness I find myself recovering from a total knee transplant. Thus, I missed last week altogether. This week in the interest of my health, I will post some interesting quotes that I think will help us put things into perspective and do so with... by Rich Patterson | Dec 21, 2018 | Achievement, Communication, Parenting
Parents Team With Educators – Part 3 In this three-part series, we discussed Parents’ Team With Educators. In the first part, we looked at Establishing Trust; in the second part, we discussed Making Connections. In part three, we will look at why schools... by Rich Patterson | Dec 19, 2018 | Achievement, Communication, Parenting
Parents Team With Educators – Part 2 In this three-part series, I will discuss Parents’ Team With Educators. We discussed establishing trust with educators in the first part, thus building your understanding. Trust will bring about the chance to ask... by Rich Patterson | Dec 17, 2018 | Achievement, Communication, Parenting
Parents Team With Educators – Part 1 It is apparent right from the classroom’s front door when you enter a school that believes in teaming up with its parents. You will feel welcome in the office, hallway, and when you meet the teacher during the school... by Rich Patterson | Dec 14, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
“You” Statements vs. “I” Statements Part 2 In part one, we discussed the definition and application of “You” statements and how they close conversations between individuals. In Part 2, we will discuss “I” statements and... by Rich Patterson | Dec 14, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
“You” Statements vs. “I” Statements Part 3 In part one of this three-part series, we discussed “You” statements and how they can close a conversation from further exchange because they assign ownership to the received. In part two... by Rich Patterson | Dec 10, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
“You” Statements vs. “I” Statements In this three-part series on “You” Statements vs. “I” Statements, we will define “You” statements and “I” statements and help you to be more aware of them. ...
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