by Rich Patterson | Nov 14, 2018 | Communication, Parenting
How To Be A Positive Parent I doubt that my family would even debate it if I said that positive parents didn’t raise us. Can we be positive parents with our kids, even if raised differently? I say a positive Yes! You can be a positive parent, so let’s... by Rich Patterson | Nov 12, 2018 | Encouragement, Parenting
5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 5 We have been discussing the 5 Phases of Parenting which briefly are, 1) I don’t know what I don’t know, 2) I know at least that I need to know, 3) I know what I need to know, 4) You know, and it starts to show, and... by Rich Patterson | Nov 9, 2018 | Parenting
5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 4 In this five-part series, we discussed the 5 Phases of Parenting. Quickly in the last three posts we have discussed, 1) I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know, 2) I Know At Least That I Need to Know, and 3) I Know What I Need... by Rich Patterson | Nov 7, 2018 | Parenting
5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 3 In the first two phases, we discussed that phase one tells us I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know, and phase two tells us I Know At Least That I Need to Know. Phase Three tells us, I Know What I Need to Know. Now... by Rich Patterson | Nov 5, 2018 | Parenting
5 PHASES OF PARENTING – PHASE 2 In the last two posts, we have been discussing the 5 Phases of Parenting, and in the previous post, we discussed that you don’t know what you don’t understand initially. I gave the example of starting a new job, and... by Rich Patterson | Nov 2, 2018 | Parenting
Parenting Phase One In the last posting, I introduced the Five Phases of Parenting, where I briefly spoke about the phases we go through as a parent. In this article, I will discuss Phase One. Phase One says that we don’t even know enough to know what questions... by Rich Patterson | Oct 31, 2018 | Parenting
Five Phases of Parenting Being a parent is challenging enough, but as a big-picture thinker, I thought it might be helpful to have a tiny framework surrounding the Five Phases of Parenting. A point before we get started, although these five phases are sequential, one... by Rich Patterson | Oct 29, 2018 | Parenting, Teenagers
Parenting & Tenacity There is no doubt that, at times, parenting takes tenacity. Tenacity is a resolve to be successful with your kids, a firmness to hold on to those standards of behavior of which you will not depart. It is persistence to continue pushing... by Rich Patterson | Oct 26, 2018 | Achievement, Encouragement, Teenagers
Adolescents: If Only Thinking We all get caught up in “if only” thinking, and a close examination of this concerning adolescents will help to focus on the moment. At times, I find myself thinking about why things should be different. It might be,... by Rich Patterson | Oct 12, 2018 | Communication, Parenting, Resilience
1st Quarter Grades – Part 3 Parents Rights and Responsibilities In Parts I & II, we have been discussing ways parents can stay on top of their child’s performance in school. In this Part 3, we will be discussing Parents Rights and Responsibilities. Let’s...
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