Standing Strong

Standing Strong Today I want to remind ourselves to stand firm during difficult times.  Standing firm is such an important life skill that kids and adults need to understand the qualities described herein. It applies when we’re learning something new, like the...

Your Individual Power

  Your Individual Power Your Power is the Power of a vision.  To create in your mind such a strong vision of what you want, or want to have happened, to the point that you can see it, feel it, feel the victory, believe in the joy that it will bring you.  Changing...

Teaching Persistence

Teaching Persistence As a former high school band director, I often told my students that sometimes the last thing I taught them was music.  Life skills like teamwork and Persistence helped develop skills in them that they would use for the rest of their lives.  The...

Personal Standards

Personal Standards Teaching kids about Personal Standards may be one of the most important skills we can offer to them.  They must have a solid idea of where they stand with many events that they can become a part of without even realizing how quickly situations...

Self Confidence

Self-Confidence You want to be full of self-confidence, but you don’t feel it.  Besides, strictly where does it come from anyway?  It seems elusive, and some people have it, and others do not.  Then we start to look for reasons why someone else has more of it...