Fear – 3

Fear – 3 We have been discussing Fear and its role in our lives and our kids’ lives.  We looked at how it disguise’s itself and sabotage’s our destiny and dreams.  In Part 2, I gave you three questions to determine if that Fear is a part of a...

Fear – 2

Fear – 2 In the first part of this three-part series, we discussed how Fear could disguise itself in our lives and hold us back from our destiny.  In Part-2, I will take a closer look at the undirected mind.  If we leave our thoughts to their own willy-nilly...


Fear Have you ever been hesitant to do something that you knew you should do, but for some reason, you held back?  Then you discover that you don’t complete what you need to do because of Fear.  Fear is an exciting emotion and one that kids face as much or more...

Do It Now

Do It Now As I begin my day of appointments and my Big Three for the day, I have to remind myself that I need to Do It now.  Getting started is an area that needs attention.  When I give it that attention with an attitude, I have found that I need to do it now; I get...