by Rich Patterson | Oct 10, 2018 | Communication, Parenting, Resilience
1st Quarter Grades – Part 2 1st Quarter Grades—Part Two This week we have been discussing the tracking of kids’ grades since the end of the first quarter of school is already upon us. In Part One, we discussed ensuring that you regularly check their... by Rich Patterson | Oct 9, 2018 | Communication, Parenting, Resilience
1st Quarter Grades – Part 1 As we near the end of first-quarter grades for kids, there are several things that parents can do to give a boost to their kids and keep them going. A primary consideration is to be sure that you have all the report card dates in your... by Rich Patterson | Sep 28, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Questions vs. Answers As a teacher and school administrator, I used to think that people needed answers to their questions. I wouldn’t say I liked it when people would ask me another question to the question that I asked. One day, I decided to change my... by Rich Patterson | Sep 24, 2018 | Communication, Family & Relationships, Parenting
Changing Self and Others As the fall unfolds here in Colorado and the light snows begin to hit the mountains, it reminds me that life is full of changes in nature. These changes are true of ourselves as well. But who should change first? We want others to change to... by Rich Patterson | Sep 10, 2018 | Communication, Parenting
Parent-Teacher Conferences As we move into September, it will soon be time for Parent-Teacher Conferences at schools across the country. This important school-hosted event is an optimal time for getting to know your child’s teachers and meeting other parents... by Rich Patterson | Aug 8, 2018 | Communication, Parenting
Parenting on Purpose: 7 Influences with Your Kids Think about the times in your life when you made a change. When things were calm, you had time to reflect on an event or series of events in your life that produced change. How did that come about? Who were the...
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