by Rich Patterson | Feb 13, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Choose Joy It doesn’t always seem like it, but we have a choice in how we choose to feel. We can choose joy or sorrow; we can determine victory or a setback that seems like defeat. Henry Ford has been quoted often with versions of the statement,... by Rich Patterson | Feb 11, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Standing Strong Today I want to remind ourselves to stand firm during difficult times. Standing firm is such an important life skill that kids and adults need to understand the qualities described herein. It applies when we’re learning something new, like the... by Rich Patterson | Feb 4, 2019 | Achievement, Character, Encouragement
Develop a Vision for Victory What do you see right now when you close your eyes? Do you see the great things that are to come, or do you see the frustrations, the last disagreement, the disappointments that beset us all? Today I am writing for both parents and kids... by Rich Patterson | Feb 1, 2019 | Achievement, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Desire Desire is an exciting word. There have been times in my life when I thought I wanted to make something happen, and when I got into it away, the desire just wasn’t there. Has that happened to you? You’re working on a goal that you have, say to... by Rich Patterson | Jan 30, 2019 | Achievement, Character, Encouragement
Your Individual Power Your Power is the Power of a vision. To create in your mind such a strong vision of what you want, or want to have happened, to the point that you can see it, feel it, feel the victory, believe in the joy that it will bring you. Changing... by Rich Patterson | Jan 23, 2019 | Communication, Encouragement, Family & Relationships
Clearing the Way A significant university held a seminar recently that had a panel of human resource (HR) officers who hired teachers for school districts. There were several HR officers on the panel who represented different districts within a large metropolitan...
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