by Rich Patterson | Nov 16, 2018 | Achievement, Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Getting Good Grades For many kids and parents, this time of the year brings a joy that holidays are coming, which means a break from school. With only about a month or so of school left, it is an excellent time to remind kids to make the final push for good grades... by Rich Patterson | Nov 12, 2018 | Encouragement, Parenting
5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 5 We have been discussing the 5 Phases of Parenting which briefly are, 1) I don’t know what I don’t know, 2) I know at least that I need to know, 3) I know what I need to know, 4) You know, and it starts to show, and... by Rich Patterson | Oct 26, 2018 | Achievement, Encouragement, Teenagers
Adolescents: If Only Thinking We all get caught up in “if only” thinking, and a close examination of this concerning adolescents will help to focus on the moment. At times, I find myself thinking about why things should be different. It might be,... by Rich Patterson | Sep 28, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Questions vs. Answers As a teacher and school administrator, I used to think that people needed answers to their questions. I wouldn’t say I liked it when people would ask me another question to the question that I asked. One day, I decided to change my... by Rich Patterson | Sep 26, 2018 | Achievement, Encouragement, Teenagers
If Only Thinking As a kid growing up in South Dakota as a young musician, I remember if only I lived in New York, where there were lots more playing opportunities. If only I lived nearer to a more prominent college. We get caught up in this If Only thinking so... by Rich Patterson | Sep 14, 2018 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement, Teenagers
Kids and Leadership In a speech that I will give to middle school kids on the day this was published, my focus will be on leadership. As adults, when we take time to discuss leadership with kids, much can be gained from both the parents and the child. I plan to give...
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