5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 5

5 Phases of Parenting – Phase 5 We have been discussing the 5 Phases of Parenting which briefly are, 1) I don’t know what I don’t know, 2) I know at least that I need to know, 3) I know what I need to know, 4) You know, and it starts to show, and...

Questions vs. Answers

Questions vs. Answers As a teacher and school administrator, I used to think that people needed answers to their questions.  I wouldn’t say I liked it when people would ask me another question to the question that I asked.  One day, I decided to change my...

If only thinking

If Only Thinking As a kid growing up in South Dakota as a young musician, I remember if only I lived in New York, where there were lots more playing opportunities.  If only I lived nearer to a more prominent college. We get caught up in this If Only thinking so...