by Rich Patterson | May 21, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Creating Relationships with Kids Relationships are key throughout our lives. Our interactions include family, school, work, and others. At most any time, something is out of sync and difficult for us. We know the value of relationships for teaching, parenting,... by Rich Patterson | May 11, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Transitions – III It is how we perform when somebody is against us that counts. How do we keep ourselves going despite what the situation dictates? Some people get through the difficult transitions in their lives, and others struggle lies in the capacity that... by Rich Patterson | May 9, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Transitions – II As we make transitions in our life, it is essential to stay flexible yet focused, open yet with control of the steering wheel. As you look at this Motocross rider performing with excellent execution, it seems as if it will be challenging to get... by Rich Patterson | May 7, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Transitions It is the transitions that are difficult in life. Or maybe I should say, It is the transitions that we don’t pay close enough attention to in life. Think about putting together a puzzle from the photo above. You have this one-piece with multiple... by Rich Patterson | May 4, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Family & Relationships
Value People–Value Questions Part of the fun in life lies in the many different types of people and how they come to understand things. You can choose to be frustrated with them, call them a name, just flat out say they are wrong, or you can choose to discover... by Rich Patterson | Apr 27, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Resilience, Teenagers
Run Your Race Life is a bit of a marathon. We are constantly adjusting, dodging, trying to understand, solving problems for ourselves and others, on and on. As we work our way through these challenges, it is easy to get side-tracked, thinking I should be more like...
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