Sensing & Adjusting

Sensing & Adjusting Different stages encompass our life, and as we go through life, we are constantly growing and changing physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially-emotionally.  In a way, we’re sensing how things are different and adjusting to an...

Teflon Coated

Teflon Coated  Can you remember being offended when someone commented on you when you were a kid?  Maybe it was in the company of adults, and your parents made a statement about a trait you had. “Oh, he’s just that way,” or “he won’t do...

Respond or Not

  Respond or Not We always have a choice whether to respond to criticism or not.  So often think it is essential to let people know how we feel or that their perspective is misinformed.  So, we launch into this explanation, defense, or maybe even an emotional...