by Rich Patterson | Nov 21, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
“I” Statements vs. “You” Statements – Part 2 In Part One of this three-part series, I introduced “I” Statements vs. “You” Statements and pointed out that by starting with “You,” we sound accusatory—the... by Rich Patterson | Nov 19, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
“I” Statement vs. “You” Statements–Part 1 Teaching kids and perhaps ourselves about “I” Statements vs. “You” Statements may be one of the more valuable life skills topics that we can share with someone. An... by Rich Patterson | Sep 14, 2018 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement, Teenagers
Kids and Leadership In a speech that I will give to middle school kids on the day this was published, my focus will be on leadership. As adults, when we take time to discuss leadership with kids, much can be gained from both the parents and the child. I plan to give... by Rich Patterson | Jul 18, 2018 | Communication, Personal Improvement
Send The Message Once Often when we have a problem or a difficult circumstance, we may turn to friends, faith, or a significant other and ask for help. Exercising belief is essential to teach our kids, and ourselves, to send a message once. It shows a lack of... by Rich Patterson | Jul 4, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Learning to Fly Birds learn to fly on the ground. It isn’t as if they jump from the nest one day and make it to the nearest branch. For the most part, they fall to the ground, where they struggle to get themselves airborne once again. This analogy applies to... by Rich Patterson | Jul 3, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
About Those Critical Voices . . . Recently I was traveling and met a friend who was with his granddaughter. I asked her what her plans were for after high school, to which she replied with a detailed plan including some “Plan B” type options. I was...
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