Expect Things to Change

Expect Things to Change Living a joyful life is totally up to you, not your circumstances.  You can live satisfied, happy, and with a restoration mentality or find all the injustices you wish.  Just because I say, this doesn’t mean that it will happen, as we...

Overcome Resistance

Overcome Resistance Sometimes life feels like a football game.  For example, you are working hard, and bam, you get hit with a comment from a colleague. When we think we’re starting to move forward, the car needs repair, or we have an illness that takes us down...

Speak Toward Your Vision

Speak Toward Your Vision We have been talking about Vision and making a plan for what you want out of life.  If you’re going to develop that vision into reality, you must align your thoughts, your speech toward that Vision.  Most likely, the biggest culprit for...