Dignity & Tiredness
I find myself recovering from a total knee transplant. Thus, I missed last week altogether. This week in the interest of my health, I will post some interesting quotes that I think will help us put things into perspective and do so with dignity.
Jeff Foster said, “Your tiredness has a dignity to it. There is no shame in admitting that you cannot go on. You have been on a long journey from the stars. Even the courageous need to rest.” We are generally so critical of ourselves allow ourselves no slack in production in our lives. Yet, there are times when you cannot continue because you need a rest, a certain refocus. The tiredness comes from a very long journey through life and thoughts your soul has had.
Before my knee surgery, I went through some of my “life stuff” piles in various files and notebooks. I spent a couple of days digging through things, throwing some (not enough), and scanning other things.
I was utterly amazed at the broad number of involvements I have had in life. I found a host of writings authored, webinars attended, and workshops as a teacher and presenter. They have all added a dimension to life.
It truly did make me tired just looking at it all. What do you do when you cannot go on? Do you continue to push yourself, noticing lower and lower productivity? Do you take a short break and then say, OK, that was nice, not let’s get started? I certainly do that, and when I become this “robot” of sorts, I notice that the compassion isn’t in my efforts, that I’m fulfilling obligations but not with a quality that life deserves, that I deserve. In looking at the photo, you can see the journey you have taken from the stars.
Take time to refocus, relax, reassess what matters, and love those around you.
I wish you the best in doing this. Later this week, I’ll write about a couple of processes that I use each year to evaluate my year and set tangible goals for the following year. Meanwhile, there is no shame in admitting that You cannot go on–for now at least. Take a well-deserved rest and relax so that you can continue your journey.
The Middle Ground is where life happens. Read this post here, The Middle Ground – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Integrity is a topic that is always worth the read. Read this post here, 10 Traits of Someone With True Integrity (powerofpositivity.com)
With love and respect,
Let’s Connect!