Heart Is The Center
Your heart is your center, not your brain where all the chatter is; protect your heart because it flows your destiny out of it. If you are struggling with forgiveness, past wrongs, why did this happen type thoughts that are in your heart? They live there like thorns creating chronic pain and regret. I have a friend who was fond of saying, “If you touch a cactus and get those little thorns in your finger, you have to ask for help to get them out.” We think we can get them out ourselves or that they don’t matter that much.
I have another friend who says, “I don’t think about them, and they go away.” Ah, but they don’t go away; they hold us back and can cause us to miss our destiny.
To bring the goodness in your heart to the world, first release the troubles and find peace. Some people purposefully try to place thorns in others. Sometimes it isn’t on purpose but may be done with envy, jealousy, and stress. Don’t let them in, and don’t allow those barbs to stay with you. Cast them out with a visual of throwing them in the lake. Replace them with forgiveness and new energy that says; I will not miss my destiny because of this incident or problem.
When we get in the habit of doing that and then move on, we guard our hearts. By protecting your heart, you don’t allow those falsehoods and hurts to take root. They cannot grow because you carry your sunshine. Inside, you have your confidence, plan, and blue sky day regardless of what is around you.
Don’t allow discouragement, disappointments, or rudeness of others to bring you down. Even when things are going poorly and the outlook seems gloomy, begin by letting go of those hurts and seeing them cast away. Keep the sunshine in your life and hold your image of who you are and where you are going. I wish you the strength to guard your heart and to follow it in your life.
Here is a post about how to fix those problems in your heart Holes In Your Heart – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
If you are a person of faith, as I am, here is a nice link you should read The Heart As The Center Of Life.pdf (cloversites.com)
Yours for a Better Life,
Let’s Connect!