On Being Ordinary
 I am asking you to consider if you live your life like ordinary people? When we are a part of a group, it is easy to become just like them. Everyone is like this, Mom, all my friends, dress this way, or have this attitude.  Rather than being ordinary, be extra-ordinary, dare to be different. Be yourself, not like others.
 We aren’t ourselves when we adopt the attitudes, behaviors, dispositions, and behaviors; we are an imitation. Now, I’m not saying this is easy, far from it. It takes a strong person to be themselves despite people mocking them or saying bad things about them. You must be uncommon to hold to who you are, how you were raised, and adopt the higher road.
 When I was younger, I felt like I had to please people, but I always felt like I betrayed myself when I did.  My energy and the solid feelings about myself seemed like they drained away. As we face those against us, our opposition, we must keep our belief in ourselves to not lose heart. Unfriendliness can be a type of opposition, can’t it? Unfriendliness takes place throughout our lives.Â
 But now I think of it differently than when I was younger. It used to bother me; I felt I needed to please everyone. I could do something great and have ten people tell me how good it was and have one person say something negative, and I would concentrate on that one negative comment, disregarding all the other 10.Â
Now I look at it more clearly. I listen to my critics and decide if it is true, which I need to work on and move on. Mostly, I know my heart, and I know if something is faithful and move on. When I read or hear some criticism of myself, I move on, doing my best and staying true to my course in life.Â
 It may take years and years, such as your education. It is a long process, and often it seems like it will never end. But stick with it; it will pay off. Believe, make a resolve, think acceleration, find higher ground, and know that your self-discipline to make it happen and your determination will help you find higher ground. This process of struggling creates more capacity in us to make things happen.  Â
 It would be best if you pressed through those thoughts of doubt, pushed through your circumstances, pressed through your obstacles until you reach your goal. Know that you will reach your goal and your destiny.
 All those add up to a strength that goes beyond ourselves. It is like building up a bank account. By doing your best, pushing yourself to go beyond what you know you can do, being good to others, that account builds up over time.Â
The next step for you along the lines of this understanding is simply Being Who You Are, click here, Being Who You Are – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Before you go, click this link for a bit more information on Why Being Ordinary is Okay, The Dream Catcher: Live Your Dream Life, Make a Difference.
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Yours for Better Parenting,
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