Parents Team With Educators – Part 3
In this three-part series, we discussed Parents’ Team With Educators. In the first part, we looked at Establishing Trust; in the second part, we discussed Making Connections. In part three, we will look at why schools need more money. Many educators all over the country have stated simply that a lack of resources limits schools. However, schools also aren’t very good at looking for resources. That is where parents can help out immensely by visiting schools.
When you visit the school, establish trust, and begin to build those relationships by learning the acronyms of education, classroom assessments, and other materials used. I guarantee you will have an idea for resources to aid the teacher. Teachers can get stuck with the day-to-day facilitation of materials, kids, behavior, and technology aspects of teaching. So often, when the day finishes, they are tired and worn out. Common sense and creative thinking take more energy and time. It requires putting other stuff on hold to have the time to visit the school.
Take the chance to bring a resource to your school meetings or into the classroom (with the school’s permission). Offering your ideas gives the teacher a bigger picture and a chance to expand their view. Their focus is often lesson preparation or assessment. The needs of schools will continue to rise as changes in society and curriculum keep expanding.
Here is what I know, if parents support kids in their education efforts, they become successful adults that can help themselves. Students whose parents show interest in their child’s education are happier parents. Schools will continue to need additional funding. Your presence in the classroom, volunteering, observing, and enjoying the kids’ work will show you the needs of the school/district.
Here are four tips for summarizing:
1) Discuss problems and brainstorm solutions, don’t blame others;
Like most things, when we take time to view items from both sides, we discover they are more complex than we once thought.
2) Communicate clearly and succinctly, leave out the unnecessary details;
Teachers have minimal time, so when you speak with them, be ready with your notes, talk right to your concern and offer a solution.
3) Respect the teachers, and you will find a great deal of support;
Help the teachers to help your child. You know your child at home, and they know your child at school. These are two different worlds, be open to understanding their views.
4) Ask the child; if they know where they are struggling and where the snags might be.
Interestingly, we often don’t ask the child where they struggle and why. Sometimes their view is distorted with frustration, but often they can give valuable insight.
When everyone works together, things will improve. It takes hard work and involvement to ensure the child’s progress. Parents are knowledgeable about the rules and routines at home, and teachers are knowledgeable about classroom expectations and procedures. Learn both and work to make them smooth for your child.
Part 1 in this series appears here for your reading, Parents Team With Educators – Part 1 – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Part 3 in this series here, Parents Team With Educators – Part 3 – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Here is an article on this topic from Very Well Family, The Benefit of Parents and Teachers Working Together (verywellfamily.com)
WGU has a post on Successful Teacher-Parent Communication that is worth reading, Tips for Successful Teacher-Parent Communication (wgu.edu)
Yours for better parenting,
Let’s Connect!