Audience members gain an understanding the challenges of youth while listening to stories and examples of proven strategies that have shown to be successful.
Each presentation is researched and created for the audience at hand. By taking the time to find out who the audience members are, and what is needed, Rich can customize each presentation with a unique message. This is key to connecting with the audience and where their thinking is currently.
Rich combines his 40 years of experience along with the wisdom and understanding that has worked directly with a wide variety of youth and families.
Rich is the author of Making Sense of Life: A Guidebook for Teens and Parents. Often, several issues rest between the teen and their parents, this book helps provide answers, to pause conversation, in order that sitting down together means breathing easier.

Available Presentations
- 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself and Benefit Others (Adult/Keynote)
- 5 Mental Models (Adult/Keynote/Lunch-n-Learn)
- 5 Myths of Leadership (Adult/Company Presentation)
- Always Be Your Best (Middle/High School)
- Are You Listening? (Adult/Company Presentation)
- Blended: 5 Myths of Leadership & 5 Mental Models (Adult/Company Presentation)
- Brand Called You, The (High School/College)
- Determination (Middle/High School)
- Handling the Negative Customer Experience (Adult/Company Presentation)
- How Teamworks Really Works: 5 Key Understandings (Adult/Company Presentation)
- I Messages vs. You Messages (Middle/High School)
- Identifying Your Sparks (Middle/High School)
- Keys to Friendship, The (Elementary)
- Percussion Pedagogy for Band Directors (Adult/Band Directors)
- Planning for the Future (High School/College/Adult)
- Put Your Dream to the Test (High School/College/Adult)
- Tips for Working with School Administrators (Adult/Band Directors)
- Understanding the Brain (Adult)
- Unlocking Cultural Connections (Adult/Company Presentation)