by Rich Patterson | Sep 26, 2018 | Achievement, Encouragement, Teenagers
If Only Thinking As a kid growing up in South Dakota as a young musician, I remember if only I lived in New York, where there were lots more playing opportunities. If only I lived nearer to a more prominent college. We get caught up in this If Only thinking so... by Rich Patterson | Sep 24, 2018 | Communication, Family & Relationships, Parenting
Changing Self and Others As the fall unfolds here in Colorado and the light snows begin to hit the mountains, it reminds me that life is full of changes in nature. These changes are true of ourselves as well. But who should change first? We want others to change to... by Rich Patterson | Sep 7, 2018 | Parenting
Parenting Styles: Which is Right? I like to compare parenting styles to leadership because parenting is an advanced form of leadership, to be sure. Influential leaders I have worked with could shift their leadership style depending on the person, situation, and group... by Rich Patterson | Sep 5, 2018 | Parenting
Charter School or Public School? You are deciding where to best place your child is difficult today with all of the choices. Let’s take a quick look at some of the considerations that may affect your choice, in no particular order, although I would certainly... by Rich Patterson | Aug 17, 2018 | Parenting
Parenting on Purpose: Display Your Personal Best In the past few days, we’ve been talking about the choice we have to ignore our circumstances and choose to be our best. Today I would like to offer, Display Your Personal Best. When things start to close in...
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