by Rich Patterson | Jun 1, 2018 | Encouragement, Parenting, Resilience
Adding Value to Youth I’ve been writing about depression in kids and would like to finish this series with an approach to how we can pull kids out of their depression. I have found over the years, when I feel overwhelmed, overburdened, and just in general... by Rich Patterson | May 30, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting, Resilience
Depression & Kids – II Recently I went to my medical doctor, and he asked what I was doing now. I told him that I talk with kids and families about topics that help them answer life questions. He mentioned that his concern was the heavy use of technology... by Rich Patterson | May 28, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Kids & Depression An ever-increasing number of kids are struggling with depression, really struggling. What is the reason? Why the increase? What is causing all of this among our youth? Although my book shown above is not about depression, it contains several... by Rich Patterson | May 25, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Creating Relationships with Kids – III As an educator, I have worked with kids and families for over 40 years, and I have noticed that parents have trouble holding their kids accountable. You know your child better than anyone, and you know how hard you can... by Rich Patterson | May 23, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Creating Relationships with Kids – II We know that relationships with kids matter, but knowing that and trying once in a while is not enough. We must learn how kids interact with others, including significant adults, to foster those relationships. I want to...
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