by Rich Patterson | May 21, 2018 | Communication, Encouragement, Parenting
Creating Relationships with Kids Relationships are key throughout our lives. Our interactions include family, school, work, and others. At most any time, something is out of sync and difficult for us. We know the value of relationships for teaching, parenting,... by Rich Patterson | May 18, 2018 | Communication, Family & Relationships, Parenting
One Perspective One of the areas in which I have worked to improve is that of perspective. I still find myself seeing things through my life-lens, insisting that I am right. When I stop and consider someone else’s thoughts, I quickly realize that their... by Rich Patterson | May 16, 2018 | Family & Relationships, Parenting
Questions Open Doors By reading the posts, you realize how important it is to ask good questions about your kids. Even though they act like they may not like it, deep down, they want that you’re interested in them. It helps to confirm that their thinking, even... by Rich Patterson | May 7, 2018 | Character, Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Transitions It is the transitions that are difficult in life. Or maybe I should say, It is the transitions that we don’t pay close enough attention to in life. Think about putting together a puzzle from the photo above. You have this one-piece with multiple... by Rich Patterson | May 2, 2018 | Communication, Family & Relationships, Parenting, Personal Improvement
Question Progressions In the previous post, I talked about “Do You Ask Good Questions.” I think this is very important because none of us see life as it is; we see it as we are. Let’s look at how questions progress in Question Progressions. That...
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