What Kids Need: School Boundaries

What Kids Need: School Boundaries We’ve been discussing the interpretations of the 40 Developmental Assets for Youth from the Search-Institute.  Today we’re looking at School Boundaries.  In general, schools are good about establishing the various rules...

What Kids Need: Family Boundaries

What Kids Need: Family Boundaries This series on What Kids Need comes from the research and survey data of the Minneapolis-based, Search-Institute.  Search has surveyed nearly five million kids from 6th-12th grades to determine what kids need to grow up to be caring,...

What Kids Need: Service to Others

What Kids Need: Service to Others It is a proven research fact that kids who serve the community one hour or more a week are more resilient to the risk-related behaviors of their youth.  I challenge our parents today to get their kids involved in a community service...

What Kids Need: Parents to Keep Track

What Kids Need: Parents to Keep Track As a school administrator for many years, at any one time, I was working with around 700+ kids.  I would look at their attendance, grades, and all aspects of their school life that I could, along with my other duties.  When I...

What Kids Need: Parental Discipline

What Kids Need: Parental Discipline Okay, you have established some rules, set some consequences, negotiated this upfront in advance of a big problem, and solicited your child’s feedback.  Now what?  Now, you must enforce those consequences as agreed.  Enforcing...