by Rich Patterson | Mar 6, 2020 | Character, Encouragement
This is Only Temporary . . . I believe that our experience here on earth is only temporary and that we can’t get to where we need to go without the struggle. I am asking that you stand firm and expect some challenges and distractions to change your course. Our... by Rich Patterson | Mar 4, 2020 | Character, Encouragement
Let’s Face What’s Next What is next? I mean, what are you replaying in your mind that you would like to file away forever? One of the best ways to heal yourself is to let go of the past. We can’t relive the past, so let’s face what’s... by Rich Patterson | Mar 2, 2020 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Restoration Mentality Many experiences in life fall short. Many interactions should have gone better, either on our part or that of others. But, what if I said that we’re here to experience and keep our center, to keep our faith and experience the many things... by Rich Patterson | Feb 28, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Mastery of Self – 2 We have been discussing the Mastery of Self and how we can be conscious creators of our existence. You may not be ready to take responsibility for things in your life at this personal level. To acknowledge that our life is by our design... by Rich Patterson | Feb 19, 2020 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
We Are All Connected We have been talking about roots and that taking time to establish solid fundamentals in your life, such as morals, character, and integrity, pays off throughout your life. It takes time and perseverance, a topic on which I have written a great...
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