by Rich Patterson | Oct 18, 2019 | Achievement, Teenagers
Tips for Teens: School Achievement In this mini-series, I have been writing about tips for teens to use right now to change their lives. Today I would like to discuss these three: 1) Motivated to achieve, 2) Educational Goals, and 3) Current school performance.... by Rich Patterson | Oct 16, 2019 | Encouragement, Teenagers
Tips for Teens: Three Things for Success I have been writing a series on Tips for Teens. These tend to come in threes and are things that teens can start doing immediately. Parents can suggest them to their young person or read this blog, as the information is... by Rich Patterson | Oct 14, 2019 | Encouragement, Parenting, Teenagers
Tips for Teens: Three Things to Do Now I have three goals for you right now. Let’s see how you would respond to these thoughts: Be able to stand up for yourself Be prepared to make reliable decisions Learn to choose good friends Do you know your beliefs? When... by Rich Patterson | Oct 2, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience, Teenagers
What Kids Need: Decision-Making Skills I remember clearly my younger sister and me standing at a lunch counter when we were on a family vacation trying to decide what to order for lunch and unable to determine. I realized then that we both lacked decision-making... by Rich Patterson | Sep 30, 2019 | Parenting, Resilience, Teenagers
What Kids Need: Assertiveness Skills The Search Institute’s list of the 40 Developmental Assets for Youth, #25 lists Assertiveness Skills is something kids need to learn to develop resilience in their lives. I would venture even to say that many adults still...
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