by Rich Patterson | Mar 27, 2019 | Encouragement, Family & Relationships
Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash Clear Those Hurts We have been discussing how putting out the image that you want for yourself can cause the universe to deliver to you those very things that you want. But did you know that when we hold on to those hurts, the... by Rich Patterson | Mar 15, 2019 | Character, Family & Relationships, Personal Improvement
Letting Go of the Past Last week I wrote about “Trusting Your Struggle,” which is a part of living and learning from our past. Today I am suggesting that we take time to clean out the past and let go of it. We all have disappointments and struggles in... by Rich Patterson | Feb 13, 2019 | Character, Encouragement
Choose Joy It doesn’t always seem like it, but we have a choice in how we choose to feel. We can choose joy or sorrow; we can determine victory or a setback that seems like defeat. Henry Ford has been quoted often with versions of the statement,... by Rich Patterson | Apr 30, 2018 | Communication, Parenting, Personal Improvement
Do You Ask Good Questions? I have a friend who is a national expert on assessment. You know the evaluation is used in schools for kids to determine their level of student achievement. I took a class from him once, and during a break, I noticed that he was talking... by Rich Patterson | Mar 15, 2018 | Personal Improvement
Parents, Kids & Families—Keynote Speaker, Coach & Trainer Rich Patterson, Ph.D. Presenting Yourself How is it that you present yourself? I mean, how do you show up to others? We have many choices on how we are present in our lives to and for others. Do you...
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