by Rich Patterson | Jun 19, 2019 | Achievement, Encouragement, Parenting
Find Those Sparks Today I want to encourage you to find those sparks in young people. Sparks represent the goodness that is inside them. It is their gifts, particular way of thinking, or caring attitude; maybe it is just how they think. When you notice them in your... by Rich Patterson | Jun 17, 2019 | Communication, Parenting
The Art of Conversation If you have worked with young people, you are well aware that having a conversation can be a challenge. Often, the standard question of, “How’s it going?” receives little or nothing at all. If you dare to ask,... by Rich Patterson | Jun 14, 2019 | Communication, Parenting
Photo by Brooke Winters on Unsplash Setting Boundaries and Limits – 3 In the previous two posts, we have discussed the value of helping kids learn how to set boundaries and limits with others. Learning to set boundaries and limits is such an important life... by Rich Patterson | Jun 7, 2019 | Parenting, Teenagers
Raising Kids Ages 17-18 So you are on the home stretch; it feels like you’re already there, so now you can relax and back off a bit as a parent. Careful, this is an age where kids seem like adults, often act, but still have many of the challenges that we have... by Rich Patterson | May 1, 2019 | Parenting
Taking Time to Parent It sounds kind of funny to say, take time to parent. But often, we get so busy trying to keep everything going that we forget to take some time with our kids to have a simple unstructured conversation, ask some fun questions, and hear their...
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