by Rich Patterson | Mar 13, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations-3 We have been discussing the power of thought vibrations in the previous two posts and how your thoughts have vibrations that are similar to light and sound. Some of which we can see and much of which we cannot. Today I want to discuss how...
by Rich Patterson | Mar 11, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations-2 As I have been writing in the previous post, when we think, we set vibrations into motion that can either benefit us or bring about what we do not want. Just as there are frequencies that the human ear cannot hear, and there are light waves...
by Rich Patterson | Mar 9, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Your Thought Vibrations Do your thoughts have any power? I mean, they are your thoughts, and you are thinking them silently, so does it matter? Do they do anything except amuse you? We know that laws govern the universe and that one law is the Law of Gravitation. ...
by Rich Patterson | Mar 2, 2020 | Encouragement, Personal Improvement
Restoration Mentality Many experiences in life fall short. Many interactions should have gone better, either on our part or that of others. But, what if I said that we’re here to experience and keep our center, to keep our faith and experience the many things...
by Rich Patterson | Feb 28, 2020 | Personal Improvement
Mastery of Self – 2 We have been discussing the Mastery of Self and how we can be conscious creators of our existence. You may not be ready to take responsibility for things in your life at this personal level. To acknowledge that our life is by our design...
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