What Kids Need: Adults Talking to Them
What Kids Need: Adults Talking to Them
I am amazed at the adults, many of whom raised kids, who go to public places and act as if they are afraid to talk with kids, particularly teenagers. Kids need adults who will speak with them and help them build their confidence. In this series on What Kids Need, we will address that kids need Adults Talking to Them.
Please take the opportunity to encourage your young person to call an adult friend and talk with them. It is so beneficial for them to learn how to hold a conversation with someone that they know. It helps them to build their self-confidence and boosts their self-esteem. As the parent, you may want to set this up in advance by asking the trusted adult if it would be okay if your young person called them once in a while. I can’t imagine any adult saying no to that. Adults are likely involved and could easily be approached for a conversation if your child has other interests such as athletics, music, dance, bicycling, hobbies, and martial arts. It may seem contrived at first, but a discussion will likely follow once the initial awkwardness subsides.
Kids are very relaxed around educators because they feel safe and know them or know of them. It is healthy to take time to enjoy their company. It is also good on the part of the school and as a resource by parents to let them know that there are people on the staff who are available to talk with kids. Sometimes these are counselors, other times, it may be an administrative assistant or another faculty member.
When kids get the chance to talk with adults, they will build their conversational skills, increase their self-confidence, and learn that other adults are always interested in them. Kids often feel that adults don’t appreciate them or think they are weird. Adults help dispel myths quickly in conversation. I hope that you will try having a conversation with kids at your first opportunity. It may be at a restaurant, a place of worship, the mall, or another place of business. You will make a difference in kids’ lives when you add value to them in this way.
Closely related to Adults Talking to them is this post What Kids Need: Hope – Dr. Rich Patterson (pattersonphd.com)
Here is a link to helping kids Home | Kids & Hope (kidsnhope.org)
Yours for Better Parenting,
Let’s Connect!